Thursday, October 31, 2019
Experimental research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Experimental - Research Paper Example people see winking, where male to female winking is seen somewhat to highly offensive and somewhat uncomfortable, somewhat negative, and somewhat rude, as well as male to male winking. My findings showed that when a female is winking to a female, it did not make females uncomfortable and they felt highly comfortable instead (n=4). They found it unusual though (n=3), but not offensive (n=4). They also found the wink very friendly (n=4), compared to when a male winked at them. They also found the winking somewhat polite (n=3), as if a secret is being shared. These females thought that winking means that there is a ââ¬Å"secretâ⬠or ââ¬Å"jokeâ⬠going on (n=3), soon to be revealed, or just plain ââ¬Å"sillyâ⬠(n=1). They did not feel the same when males wink at them. When a male winked at them, they found it somewhat normal (n=3), but somewhat offensive (n=4). They were also somewhat uncomfortable (n=4), but a very friendly wink made them feel less uncomfortable (n=4). They found the male who winked at them somewhat unfriendly (n=4), but a friendly wink perception made them see the male as somewhat friendly (n=4). The winking was also somewhat rude (n=3) to very rude (n=1). They think that the winker meant some rudeness or flirtation in one or two words (n=4). These outcomes suggest that gender is important in reading non-verbal communication practices. Male to female winking is generally usual, but it makes women altogether uncomfortable too. Males found females winking to them more acceptable than when males do it, and the friendlier it is, the more the winking was seen as uncomfortable. Males winking to males found it somewhat unusual and highly offensive (n=4), but when females do it, they found it somewhat unusual (n=4), but completely harmless (n=4). Males felt somewhat uncomfortable when males wink at them (n=3), though somewhat friendly (n=3) winks made the wink less harmless (n=3). Males winking at males found it somewhat negative (n=3) to highly negative (n=1),
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Blackout Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Blackout - Article Example This is the case even during my studies and classes as I find things that I will discuss or funny anecdotes I will send them of events that took place during the lecture or family meetings. The need to connect and be a celebrity is too great what with all the friends being in the same position and the lack of need for solitude. I simply did not relate with solitude. For the first like seven hours, I enjoyed being alone without any distractions and I even caught a lot of sleep which I rarely do because I am either surfing on the net, texting or watching television even in the middle of the night or during my study time. After the seven or so hours, I got bored and I could not think of anything to do. Anxiety started kicking in and this was closely followed by anger for even agreeing to do this. Panic was the next reaction as I started concocting these weird visions of how everything would go wrong in the world and I would be left out and I hate being a social outcast which is the feeling I was experiencing once the panic eased after discussions and long family talks of childhood memories. After that, I could not believe it but I started enjoying the solitude and I have to agree with the author that I could actually think and enjoying the intimacy of the solitude planning my future and thinking of all the goals I would like to achieve as well as things I would like to change in my life. The rest of the 48 hours passed rather too soon and I have to repeat that exercise at some point in future and do it more often as I felt very relaxed for the first time since I discovered the internet. It depends on the news. Serious news about politics, insecurity, violence and hunger create solitude as one tends to recline in this alone space to think about the present and future of oneself and others and the role one can play to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Examining The Changing Media Scene In India Media Essay
Examining The Changing Media Scene In India Media Essay INTRODUCTION The media scene in India is changing very fast, especially in the past decade. On one hand, new media are emerging and affecting the existing ones. On the other hand, the consumption patterns of the media users are also undergoing a lot of transformations. Post independence, the development of media was rather slow and unexciting. For twenty five years after independence, the growth of media such as print, cinema and radio followed a gradual and uneventful path, progressing slowly and steadily. Pressures of urbanization, growing literacy and development in technology did not affect the media significantly. The scenario was such a sad one that neither inter nor intra- media competition existed. This obviously translated into the fact that there was no strategy or planning on the part of the media. Essentially media marketing itself was an alien concept for most of the newspaper owners and the sole television operator Doordarshan. The first strains of change on this static environment were observed in the early eighties. These changes were introduced through technology: the development of grafting techniques in press and in electronics. The implications were two fold. On the first level, the reach of media was expanded and on the second level, the people were given more choice. Introduction of glossies among print titles, the expansion of the television network, establishing a radio commercial channel suddenly made life more exciting and entertaining for the vast majority of the urbanites. It was now, for the first time, that audiences were getting segmented by the titles introduced, new markets were opening up and a large number of people were coming under the media exposure. Another interesting fact during this time was the development of a new relationship between the media and the audiences. Media patterns changed once again when sponsored programs on television became a regular feature. This initiative, along with the development and popularity of home videos changed the entire equation. People stopped frequenting cinemas, since the same films were conveniently available at home. Magazine readership also declined in favor of videos. Television, however, maintained its regular set of viewers during the period. It became a veritable obsession with the people. Programs such as the Mahabharat and the Ramayan were the opium of the masses. Now, television delivered important audience segments such as women, the rural affluent and children. At about the same time, easy access to technology and developing markets pushed publishers to add on new editions as well as supplements. THE GLOBAL BEGINNING Another change in the media environment came with the Invasion of the Skies in the early nineties. Satellite television found its way into India through CNN and the Star Network during the Gulf War. The monopoly of Doordarshan came to an end and there were multiple channels, giving the Indian viewer a choice of programs he had never been exposed to before. This, needless to say, introduced heavy competition among the channels and thus the programs contents also improved. Finally, Doordarshan had to deal with the fact that it was not the king of the skies any more: for the first time in India, the television viewer had the choice of deciding what to watch from over 50 channels. Faced with heavy competition, it had to revamp and introduce new channels in the metros and in regional areas. The competition became intense even within the satellite television players with the influx of regional channels and more and more international quality programming. It was realized that only those players who can adopt a market-savvy, strategic approach to differentiate their programming from the rest shall be able survive the media jungle. Developments in wireless technologies and their decreasing costs have created opportunities for faster deployment of telecommunications services. This speed is critical for developing countries especially in rural areas, as the role of telecommunications in development is more significant for them. The uptake of wireless technologies has been rapid in most developing countries. For the most part, these have been cellular networks that operate in the licensed bands. The unparalleled growth of mobile service (operating in licensed bands) in almost all countries of the world has been driven by both technology as well as deregulation. While the rapid spread of such networks is unprecedented, it has so far been limited to urban and semi-urban areas. Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE): It is considered to be one of the biggest techno-social communication experiments in education and rural development. The one-year experiment (August 1975 July 1976) aimed to provide direct broadcasting of instructional and educational television in 2400 villages in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan. Over 500 conventional television sets spread over 335 villages in Kheda district, Gujarat was also part of SITE. Satellite technologists had called SITE as leapfrogging from bullock cart stage to satellite communication, which did not discriminate between rural poor and urban rich for information and communication. It had given 50 years communication lead to rural poor of the country. SITE provided telecast for rural primary school children in the age group 5 12 years studying in grades 1-5. Rural adults viewed television programs on improved agricultural practices, health and family planning. They were also able to view news. Television was considered as window to the world. Both quantitative (survey) and qualitative in-depth (anthropological holistic study) evaluation indicated modest gains in some areas, whereas no gain or negative gain in other areas. The one-year duration was thought to be too little for any positive results. Based on the experiences and positive gains, INSAT satellite was launched in 1981. Since then a series of INSAT satellites have been launched and used for nationwide television telecast for education and deve lopment. The sad part is that, in spite of best efforts, satellite television has been used for entertainment more than rural development. The other research says that access to satellite TV is of surprising value to the lives of rural Indian women and villagers in general. School enrolment among girls, family planning, hygiene, awareness about diseases and many more such milestones have been achieved by the electronic media. The newly wired women also has become less accepting of spousal abuse, a bias in favor of having boys declined, and they look more likely to be able to spend money without a husbands permission. However, shows on satellite TV tend to focus on urban areas, where womens status is higher and are shown leading extravagant lifestyles. The rural people are not able to associate with those programs and shows. Customization as per rural needs has recently begun and has been appreciated even by the urban crowd. People are getting exposed to a set of attitudes that are more liberal, that are more favorable toward women, and they are changing their minds in response to that. Change is inevitable. Government h as taken initiatives to start many such programs to generate awareness, some ran for years, others could never come out of papers and the rest bombed after the take off. Few project initiatives were: Project Project Partners Outcomes Country wide classrooms UGC, CEC and 17 other universities where media centers are located 10,000 programs produced and telecast on National TV till date School Television in India CIET and 6 state Institutes of Educational Technology Programs produced and run on national TV till date Gyan Darshan HRD, IB, Prasar Bharti, IGNOU The program runs 24 hrs and is handled by IGNOU Gyan Vani Reached out to backward communities, distant education and counseling Namma Dhwani (voices) UNESCO Educational and development oriented informal programs Gujarat Community Radio Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, DMC, Ahmedabad Non- formal education and social issues, esp. for women Jhabua Development Communication Program ISOR, GoMP Literacy, health and non- formal education, watershed management RADIO AS A MEDIUM Radio, as a mass medium, is particularly suited to communicate in the local dialect and idiom, thereby establishing a personal connection between the broadcaster and the listener. That has not, however, been achieved in India because of the bureaucratic stranglehold on radio. Development, as a process meant to empower the poor, reduce exploitation, and oppression by those having economic, social, and political power. It also means an equitable sharing of resources, improved health care and education for all. One of the major components and driving force of rural development is communication. Conventionally, communication includes electronic media, human communication now information technology (IT). All forms of communications have dominated the development scene in which its persuasive role has been most dominant within the democratic political framework of the country. Persuasive communication for rural development has been given highest priority for bringing about desirable socia l and behavioral change among the most vulnerable rural poor and women. Initially, the approach lacked gender sensitivity and empathy of the communicators and development agents who came from urban elite homes. Added to these constraints is political will that still influences the pace and progress of rural development. Communication has been seen by a large number of development planners as a panacea for solving major social ills and problems. Apart from development, the introduction of communication in the educational process for open and distance learning is seen as step towards improving the quality of education and bridging the social and educational gap (Agrawal 1993). However, experience indicates that those rich who could afford to have access to private resources have hogged the advantage whether development or education. In this respect, it seems that communication technology has, in no way has helped the poor for improving their socio-economic condition. ALL INDIA RADIO (AIR) India presents huge challenges to any broadcasting institution that aspires to serve the whole nation. All India Radio (AIR), the state-run monopoly, was expected to take these challenges on and help build a modern nation state with an egalitarian social democracy. Approximately 303 news bulletins are aired daily, of which 93 are intended for national listeners, whereas regional stations originate 135 news bulletins daily. In addition, there are special bulletins on sports, youth, and other major events, such as the annual Haj to Mecca by Muslims or the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. More than 80 stations in the AIR network broadcast radio dramas in various languages. Forty percent of the broadcast time, however, is set aside for classical, light, folk, and film music. The External Service, set up to act as a cultural ambassador, airs 65 news bulletins in 16 foreign and eight Indian languages. In addition, magazine programs on sports and literature; talk shows on sociopolitical-economic is sues; and classical, folk, and modern Indian music from different regions of the country are broadcast. But the results have not been that healthy, the reasons being many folds. AIRs heavily bureaucratic ways have been the major impediment to innovation and creativity. In a highly pluralistic society with incredible linguistic, caste, and class differences, AIR has attempted not to offend any group. Controversial social and community welfare issues take a back seat while popular film music dominates. Regional language radio stations beam programs to the whole state in a formal dialect, which renders it stiff and official. As a consequence, most people find AIR boring. Radio for Rural Development: Popularly known as Radio Farm Forum, it was one of the earliest efforts in the use of radio for rural development. The experiment was carried out from February to April 1956 in five districts of Maharashtra State by All India Radio (AIR). Rural listener groups were organized, who would listen to radio broadcasts twice a week at 6.30 p.m. for half an hour. The group then stayed together for discussion of what they had heard, the discussion lasted usually, about half an hour. The summative impact evaluation indicated positive outcome of radio rural forum. Impressive knowledge gains as a result of radio listening were reported across illiterates and literates, agriculturists and non-agriculturists, village leaders and others. However, over a period of time the project withered away and could not be operationalized for large-scale implementation in one form or the other. Lack of political will and indifference of bureaucracy killed the rural development proje ct even before it could help poor to take advantage of radio broadcast. Satellite radio for education EDUSAT, according to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), is the first exclusive satellite for serving the educational sector. The satellite has multiple regional beams covering different parts of India, which theoretically enables programs to be broadcast in relevant local languages EDUSAT can provide connectivity to schools, colleges and higher levels of education and also support non-formal education including developmental communication. But it is a matter of concern that, over a year after the satellite was launched, much of its capacity is lying idle. Community Radio Initiative: In post media liberalization phase, Government of India, announced the policy for community radio broadcasting which was expected to focus on issues relating to education, health, environment, agriculture, rural and community development. In the absence of true community radio in India, a number of NGOs are using innovative methods for non-formal education through audio. School Audio through cable has been in operation in Budhikote village, Karnataka, since January 2002. The School Audio project is a spin-off of the Namma Dhwani cable audio service. In the Kutch region of Gujarat, the Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan (KMVS), an independent organization of rural women, focuses on adolescent girls education, basic functional literacy within sangathan members and development of context specific educational curricula on different issues for literates and neo-literates. Shivpuri, MP launched a radio station, Dharkan 107.8 FM, to give educational messages through humor featuring Ms. Adivasi as a difficult mother-in-law arguing against exclusive breastfeeding. Vandana Dube, the stations first manager, helps to produce programs on hygiene, health and the importance of education. She said that listening groups, which have formed throughout the district, are having a major impact. In particular, more women are now contributing to important debates on caste discrimination, female foeticide and female empowerment issues that concern them directly. UNICEF Image CONCLUSION There is no single ideal format for educational radio. Innovative programming offers some very effective approaches to non-formal education over radio. Recently, AIR agreed to a proposal from Sesame Workshop India to provide airtime on national and regional radio channels for locally produced versions of the universally popular Sesame Street. The programs would be aimed at pre-school goers, and would also provide under-served children with access to educational media, especially in rural areas. All the same, it has been amply proved that radio rightly used can improve educational quality and relevance, lower educational costs and improve access to education, particularly for disadvantaged groups. It is most effective when supported by trained facilitators, group learning, group discussion, feedback and the use of multimedia approaches.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Red Badge of Courage Essay: Battle for Adulthood :: Red Badge Courage Essays
A Battle for Adulthood in Red Badge of Courage à Throughout the novel, The Red Badge of Courage, written by Stephen Crane, a theme is portrayed within a battle that takes place during the Civil War. It is that each person must find the courage to win his or her won battle for maturity or adulthood. A soldier, who is also the main character, Henry Fleming, exemplifies this theme. à Henry Fleming begins as an immature soldier who enlists in the army without knowing a reason why. Henry has a romantic view of the war, and expects it to be glorious: ââ¬Å"They [battles] might not be distinctly Homeric, but there seemed to be much glory in them. He [Henry] had read of marches, sieges, conflicts, and he had longed to see it all.â⬠Henry obviously lacks maturity because he was very determined to enlist in the army, but tries to blame the government for being at war. à Henry starts to realize that there are no heroes and that there are no individuals: ââ¬Å"He had grown to regard himself merely as a part of a vast blue demonstration.â⬠Therefore he is beginning to fight the battle within himself into adulthood. Henry looses some of his selfishness and gains concern for others, another stepping stone: ââ¬Å"He felt the subtle battle brotherhood more potent even than the cause for which he was fighting.â⬠Henry deserts a dying soldier and runs from a battle, but recognizes that running away was wrong. It isnââ¬â¢t a mature action, but he is mature to realize the magnitude of running. à With the knowledge of his past mistakes, Henry goes into battle without thinking about the past and fights heroically. After a general makes a derogatory remark about Henry and his comrades, it reveals Henryââ¬â¢s change of attitude. He accepts the comment without rebellion and fights with courage. Because of the success of fighting bravely, Henry has the self-esteem to deal with his mistakes as an adult. As a mature person he can learn from his mistakes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
John Wesley Hardin
Elsie Glosser Mr. Largent History 122 8 December 2010 John Wesley Hardin John Wesley Hardin, Texasââ¬â¢ most notorious gunfighter, was the son of a Methodist preacher that was growing up during the Reconstruction Era. But instead of saving souls he sent them on to meet their Maker, via bullet train express. So was John Wesley Hardin a cold blooded killer or a product of the times? John Wesley Hardin, who was named after the founder of the Methodist church, was born 26th May 1853 in Bonham, Texas. He was the son of James Gibson Hardin Sr. nd Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin who were married 19th May 1847. He was the second surviving son of ten children. His father James Gibson Hardin was a Methodist preacher, circuit rider, schoolteacher and lawyer. His mother Mary Elizabeth [Dixson] Hardin was the daughter of a highly respected Indiana doctor and was described by John Wesley as being, ââ¬Å"blond, highly culturedâ⬠¦with a charitable disposition, a model wife and helper to his f ather. â⬠(Hardin) At the age of 12, he saw the Confederate soldiers returning home from the Civil War. This was also the beginning of the Reconstruction Era. During the Reconstruction period, the South lay beaten down, the people were filled with hate and vengeance, and the Negro slaves were freed. Many of the Negroes joined the Union army as soldiers or state police. It was during this time that John Wesley developed a deep hatred of the Union and the freed Negroes. ââ¬Å"In his mind, he had seen Abraham Lincoln burned and shot to pieces. So often he thought of him as a demon that was waging a relentless war on the South to rob her of her most sacred rights. â⬠(Hardin) John Wesley was raised with deep religious beliefs and Christian virtues. He had a fierce fire and brimstone religiosity, a strong code of family loyalty and an indelible sense of honor that was a part of the lives of all Southerners, rich or poor. An old Civil War song can be said to accurately reflect the mind of a youth like John Wesley. ââ¬Å" Oh Iââ¬â¢m a good olââ¬â¢ rebel, now thatââ¬â¢s just what I am, For this fair land of Freedom, I do not care a damn, Iââ¬â¢m glad I fit against it; I only wish weââ¬â¢d won And I donââ¬â¢t want no pardon for anything Iââ¬â¢ve done. I hates the constitution, this great Republic, too, I hates the Freedmanââ¬â¢s Bureau and uniforms of blue, I hates the nasty eagle with all it brags and fuss, The lyinââ¬â¢ thievinââ¬â¢ Yankees I hates them worse and worse. Three hundred thousand Yankees is still in Southern dust, We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us; They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot, I wish there were three million instead of what we got. I donââ¬â¢t want no pardon for what I was and amââ¬â¢ I wonââ¬â¢t be reconstructed and I donââ¬â¢t care a damn. â⬠(Metz) In 1865 John Wesley and his family moved to Sumpter, Texas where his father established a school which he and his siblings attended. But it was here in 1867, at the age of 14; John Wesley would have his first encounter with the law. While preparing for a test in school, a classmate named Charles Sloter and John Wesley got in a fight over some graffiti that Charles had written on the wall about a girl in their class named Sal. Charles accused John Wesley of writing it and he denied it. Charles punched John Wesley and attacked him with his pocketknife. John Wesley drew his pocketknife and stabbed him twice, once in the chest and once in the back, almost killing him. The boysââ¬â¢ parents wanted John Wesley expelled from school, but after hearing the facts in the case, the trustees exonerated him and the courts acquitted him. Charles Sloter recovered from his wounds. In November of 1868, John Wesley went to visit his uncle Barnett Hardin, who lived about 4 miles away, to watch them make sugar from the sugar cane. It was during this visit that John Wesleyââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ life was about to change forever at the age of 15. When John Wesley a arrived at his uncles him and his cousin Barnett Jones got into a playful wrestling match with a former slave named Mage. Together, the boys beat him in the first round. It was during the second round that John Wesley accidentally scratched Mage and drew blood. This made Mage very upset and he threatened John Wesley saying, ââ¬Å"He would kill him or die himself; that no white boy could draw his blood and live; that a bird never flew to high not too come to the ground. â⬠(Hardin) John Wesleyââ¬â¢s uncle Barnett Hardin ordered Mage off the farm. The next morning, when he was headed for home, the Negro Mage was waiting for him on the trail with a big stick. He threatened kill John Wesley with it and then throw his body into the creek. He swung at him with the stick, and John Wesley pulled out his Colt . 44 pistol and told him to stop. Mage grabbed the reins of his horse, and when he wouldnââ¬â¢t let go John Wesley shot him loose, but he kept coming back. He continued to shoot Mage every time he came at him, until the man collapsed. He went to another uncleââ¬â¢s house and brought him back to where Mage was lying. His uncle told him to go on home and tell his parents what had happened. Mage ended up dying from his wounds a few days later. His father knew that John Wesley would not receive a fair trial, because to be tried for killing a Negro at that time, meant a certain death at the hands of a court backed by Yankee bayonets. So John Wesley was sent to stay with his brother Joe, some 25 miles away, in Logallis Prairie. In December of 1868, some 6 weeks after the shooting and death of the Negro Mage, his brother told him that there were 3 Union soldiers asking questions about him. He took a shotgun and his Colt . 44 revolver and went to wait for them along the creek bed of Hickory Creek crossing, where he knew they would cross. Their e ambushed them, killing 2 white soldiers with the shotgun and the black soldier with his revolver. So, by the winter of 1868, 15 year old John Wesley Hardin had killed 4 men and was wounded for the first time. But his killings did not stop there. By February of 1871, at the age of 17, John Wesley had killed 12 men. In March of 1871, John Wesley and his cousin Jim Clements took 1600 head of cattle and headed up the Chisholm Trail toward Abilene, Kansas. Along the trail they had a problem with some Mexican vaqueros that kept mixing their cattle with John Wesleyââ¬â¢s. A fight broke out, which ended up with John Wesley killing 5 of the Mexicans. So within a day or two of his 18th birthday John Wesley had now killed twenty men. He arrived in Abilene Kansas around June 1, 1871. It was here in Abilene, at 18 years old, that he met Wild Bill Hickok who was the Marshall at the time. John Wesley and Wild Bill met, for the first time, in a wine room where they discussed the rules of carrying firearms in Abilene. They left the meeting as friends, and John Wesley was given a privilege that no other cowboys would get to enjoy. He wore his guns for all to see. On August 6, 1871 he fled Kansas, for Texas after accidentally killing a man in the hotel room next door. On January 11, 1872, John Wesley returned to Gonzales, where he met Jane Bowen at his cousin Jim Clements wedding. They were married on February 29, 1872 by a Methodist minister and Justice of the Peace) Thomas F. Rainey. She was 14 years old and John Wesley was 18. In April 1872, two months after the wedding, John Wesley left for two weeks to head to the King Ranch in South Texas, 175 miles from Gonzales, to conduct business. Upon leaving the King Ranch, Hardin remembered he had ââ¬Å"one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in the county as his wife. â⬠(Metz). He arrived home around 4 am that morning. On June 5, 1872, he left again for Louisiana to sell some horses, but while in Hemphill he got into an altercation with a local law enforcement officer, so he sold the horses there and went to his uncle Barnettââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ in Polk County. By August of 1872, at the age of 19, Hardin had killed 29 men. John Wesley and Janeââ¬â¢s first child, Mary Elizabeth, was born 6th February 1873, when Jane was 15 years old. Their second child, John Wesley Hardin Jr. , was born 3 August 1875, and their third child, Jane Martina, was born 15 July 1877. Whatever her faults or her degree of naivete, Jane Bowen Hardin was an articulate young lady that maintained a strong love and defense of her husband. On May 26th 1874, at 21 years of age, John Wesley Hardin arrived in Comanche Texas, where Browne County Deputy Sheriff Charles Webb had come with 15 men to kill him. He met Deputy Webb outside the saloon where he asked him if he had any papers for his arrest and Deputy Webb replied that he did not have any papers for his arrest. John Wesley invited Deputy Webb to go into the saloon with him for a drink and cigar. When John Wesley turned around to go in the door, he heard someone shout, and as he turned he saw Deputy Webb go for his gun to shoot him in the back. Hardin drew and fired his gun hitting Deputy Brown in the head killing him, but not before he got a shot off that hit Wesley and wounded him. On 23rd July 1877, he was arrested for the murder of Brown County Deputy Charles Webb, three years after it happened. John Wesley Hardin left Austin jail in September of 1877, for Comanche, Texas, which was some 160 miles away, to stand trial for murder. He was found guilty of second degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years of hard labor in the state penitentiary at Huntsville. He arrived there 5th October 1878. During his prison term, he studied law and passed the bar exam. It was also during this time that his wife Jane died, on 6th November 1892. John Wesley was released from prison 17th February 1894, and was granted a gull pardon and his citizenship restored by Governor of Texas, J. S. Hogg. After his release, he joined his children in Gonzales where he began to practice law On 8 January 1895, he married his second wife Callie Lewis, of London Texas. She was 15 ? and he was 41. Within a week of their marriage, he sent her back to be with her parents. They never divorced nor had the marriage annulled. He moved to El Paso, Texas where he opened a law practice. John Wesley got into an argument with a local lawman named John Selman Jr. , when he arrested his girlfriend for illegally carrying a pistol. Hardin in his quiet and deadly way threatened to kill him. Selmanââ¬â¢s father new John Wesleyââ¬â¢s reputation as a fast and lethal gunfighter, having killed over forty men. So, fearing for his sonsââ¬â¢ life, John Selman Sr, decided to take the law into his own hands and permanently stop Hardin from carrying out his threat. So, it was on 19th August 1895, in the Acme Saloon in El Paso, Texas, somewhere between 11pm and midnight that John Wesley Hardin, Texasââ¬â¢ most notorious gunfighter in American history life came to an end, shot in the back of the head while his back was turned, by John Selman Sr, while he was rolling dice at the bar. He never had the slightest chance to defend himself. Do I believe John Wesley Hardin was a cold blooded killer? No I donââ¬â¢t. I believe he was a product of the times and was very self aware with a strong sense of survival. I also believe he only killed, in self defense, those that needed killing Rest in Peace John Wesley Hardin Works Cited Hardin, John Wesley. ââ¬Å"The Life of John Wesley Hardin. â⬠General Books, 2009. 3. Metz, Leon. ââ¬Å"John Wesley Hardin: Dark Angel of Texas. â⬠Metz, Leon. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma press, 1996. Foreward page 2.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Green Marketing Strategy of Businesses
Green marketing has been an important academic research topic since it came about (Coddington, 1993; Fuller, 1999; Ottman, 1994). Attention was drawn to the subject in the late 1970ââ¬â¢s when the American Marketing Association organized the first ever workshop on ââ¬ËEcological Marketingââ¬â¢ in 1975 which resulted in the first book on the subject, entitled, ââ¬ËEcological Marketingââ¬â¢ by Henion and Kinnear in 1976. The first definition of ââ¬Ëgreen marketingââ¬â¢ was according to Henion (1976); ââ¬Å"the implementation of marketing programs directed at the environmentally conscious market segmentâ⬠(Banerjee, 1999, p. 8). Peattie and Crane (2005) claims that despite the early development, it was only in the late 1980ââ¬â¢s that the idea of green marketing actually made an appearance, because of the consumersââ¬â¢ growing interest in green products, increased awareness and willingness to pay for green features. Henionââ¬â¢s (1976) definition of green marketing has evolving and many more definitions of green marketing have arisen throughout the years. One of the latter definitions is Fullerââ¬â¢s (1999, p. ): The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of products in a manner that satisfies the following three criteria: (1) customer needs are met, (2) organizational goals are attained, and (3) the process is compatible with ecosystems. The first indication of consumer interest in green products came through Vandermerwe and Oliff? s (1990) survey. This stated that more than 92% of European multinationals claimed to have changed their products in response to green concerns and 85% claimed to have changed their product systems (Peattie & Crane, 2005). Green product introductions increased by more than double to 11. 4% of all new household products in the USA between 1989 and 1990, and continued to rise to 13. 4% in 1991 (ibid. ). However, this optimistic start to the 1990ââ¬â¢s was not sustained (Peattie & Crane, 2005. A report conducted by Mintel in 1995, showed only a very slight increase in green consumers since 1990, and showed a significant gap between concern and actual purchasing (ibid. ). This can be attributed to the fact that consumers do not want to compromise on price, quality or convenience when conducting a ââ¬Ëgreenââ¬â¢ purchase (D?à Souza et al. , 2006). The frequency and prominence of green claims was also found to be in decline (Peattie & Crane, 2005). So instead of the ââ¬Å"green revolutionâ⬠in marketing forecasted for the 1990s, companies became more cautious about launching environmentally-based communications campaigns for fear of being accused of ââ¬Å"greenwashingâ⬠(ibid). This is when a company hides the true effect of its products or actions on the environment, by making it seem as though the company is very concerned about the environment (Greenwashing, 2009). One challenge green marketers ââ¬â old and new ââ¬â are likely to face as green products and messages become more common is confusion in the marketplace. ââ¬Å"Consumers do not really understand a lot about these issues, and there's a lot of confusion out there,â⬠says Jacquelyn Ottman (founder of J. Ottman Consulting and author of ââ¬Å"Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovationâ⬠). Marketers sometimes take advantage of this confusion, and purposely make false or exaggerated ââ¬Å"greenâ⬠claims. Critics refer to this practice as ââ¬Å"green washingâ⬠. Even though this revolution did not occur as predicted, the interest in the topic has not died down. Grant (2007, pp. 20-24) claims that green marketing is at a tipping point and that what we do next will decide if the topic continues to develop and gain momentum. The popularity of such marketing approach and its effectiveness is hotly debated. Supporters claim that environmental appeals are actually growing in numberââ¬âthe Energy Star label, for example, now appears on 11,000 different companies' models in 38 product categories, from washing machines and light bulbs to skyscrapers and homes. However, despite the growth in the number of green products, green marketing is on the decline as the primary sales pitch for products. On the other hand, Roperââ¬â¢s Green Gauge shows that a high percentage of consumers (42%) feel that environmental products donââ¬â¢t work as well as conventional ones. This is an unfortunate legacy from the 1970ââ¬â¢s when showerheads sputtered and natural detergents left clothes dingy. Given the choice, all but the greenest of customers will reach for synthetic detergents over the premium-priced, proverbial ââ¬Å"Happy Planetâ⬠any day, including Earth Day. New reports however show a growing trend towards green products. à This provides information regarding the setting of the study and/or general information about preview of the topic. The term Green Marketing came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The American Marketing Association (AMA) held the first workshop on ââ¬Å"Ecological Marketingâ⬠in 1975. The proceedings of this workshop resulted in one of the first books on green marketing entitled ââ¬Å"Ecological Marketingâ⬠. The first wave of Green Marketing occurred in the 1980s. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports started with the ice cream seller Ben & Jerry's where the financial report was supplemented by a greater view on the company's environmental impact. In 1987 a document prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as meeting ââ¬Å"the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needâ⬠, this became known as the Brundtland Report and was another step towards widespread thinking on sustainability in everyday activity. Two tangible milestones for wave 1 of green marketing came in the form of published books, both of which were called Green Marketing. They were by Ken Peattie (1992) in the United Kingdom and by Jacquelyn Ottman (1993) in the United States of America. According to Jacquelyn Ottman, (author of Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation) from an organizational standpoint, environmental considerations should be integrated into all aspects of marketingââ¬â new product development and communications and all points in between. The holistichttp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Holistic nature of green also suggests that besides suppliers and retailers new stakeholders be enlisted, including educators, members of the community, regulators, and NGOs. Environmental issues should be balanced with primary customer needs. The past decade has shown that harnessing consumer power to effect positive environmental change is far easier said than done. The so-called ââ¬Å"green consumerâ⬠movements in the U. S. and other countries have struggled to reach critical mass and to remain in the forefront of shoppers' minds. While public opinion polls taken since the late 1980s have shown consistently that a significant percentage of consumers in the U. S. and elsewhere profess a strong willingness to favor environmentally conscious products and companies, consumers' efforts to do so in real life have remained sketchy at best. One of green marketing's challenges is the lack of standards or public consensus about what constitutes ââ¬Å"green,â⬠according to Joel Makower, a writer on green marketing. In essence, there is no definition of ââ¬Å"how good is good enoughâ⬠when it comes to a product or company making green marketing claims. This lack of consensusââ¬âby consumers, marketers, activists, regulators, and influential peopleââ¬âhas slowed the growth of green products, says Makower, because companies are often reluctant to promote their green attributes, and consumers are often skeptical about claims. Despite these challenges, green marketing has continued to gain adherents, particularly in light of growing global concern about climate change. This concern has led more companies to advertise their commitment to reduce their climate impacts, and the effect this is having on their products and services. This provides the concise description of the issues that need to be addressed. It also provide why these variables are important so it focus on it. The ongoing marketing paradigm, according to Peattie (1999, p. 57), is based on using the earthââ¬â¢s resources and systems in an unsustainable manner. The traditional view on corporate social responsibility, which argues that corporation managerââ¬â¢s and directorââ¬â¢s only responsibilities are to the ââ¬Å"ownersâ⬠of the firm and to maximize profit, started changing in the early nineties to include a responsibility not only to those with a vested interest in the corporation (Klonoski, 1991). Instead a company must consider the effect of its actions on all stakeholders, including nature and animals (ibid. ). Many of the serious environmental issues we face are due to modern development and the pursuit of econoy Peattie, 1999, p. 58). However, making these crucial changes occur requires more than individual change; change on a societal and economic level will be necessary (Grant, 2007, p. 47; Hartmann & Ibanez, 2006). Hence, governments will need to commit to developing forward thinking environmental policies (Peattie, 1999; Grant, 2008). Corporations must integrate greening into their business strategy and invest in the development of it as they would any other aspect of their business (Polonski & Rosenberger, 2001). Finally, the consumers have to actually purchase the environmentally friendly products they, so far, only claim to be interested in (Ginsberg & Bloom, 2004). In the end though, going green needs to make business sense for the corporation and not require a compromise on product attributes for the consumer. Marketers have a tremendous potential to help make this shift happen by pushing organizations to implement some form of a green marketing strategy (Peattie & Crane, 2005; Grant, 2007, p. 32). Marketers have the power to help ââ¬Å¾sell? new lifestyle ideas (Grant, 2007, p. 1) According to Ottman (1993) green marketing serves two key objectives: 1) To develop products that incorporate consumers? eeds for convenience, affordable pricing and performance while having a minimal impact on the environment. 2) To project an image of high quality, including environmental aspects, both in regards to product attributes and the manufacturerââ¬â¢s track record for environmental compliance. If a paradigm shift from conventional to green marketing occurs, corporations will need to incorporate sustainability into their strategies or risk being left behind (Grant, 2008). It will be important for organizations and marketers to be well-versed on the subject and have a thorough understanding of green marketing and how it can create value. Since the mid-nineties environmental legislation has increased, leading to a higher level of awareness of environmental issues in the business community and many corporations being required to consider these issues in their strategic planning in order to meet stricter environmental standards (Banerjee, 1999, p. 18; Olson, 2008). Regardless of legislation and standards many people are calling for corporations in general to take more responsibility for their actions and the consequences thereof. Green marketing concept is fairly young and as a consequence it has not been extensively explored or research yet (Grant, 2007, p. ; Hartmann & Ibanez, 2006; Baker & Sinkula, 2005). Olson (2008) claims that while many corporations have implemented some form of green initiative, very few have actually established an enterprise-level green strategy. He furthers states that, while it may vary depending on industry and possibly by individual business, early adoption of a formalized and well-articulated green strategy can allow companies the opportunity of a competitive advantage. Considering Olsonââ¬â¢s statement, one wonders how corporations, that have indeed incorporated some form of green thinking into the business, have done so and for what reasons. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the subject of strategic green marketing by examining how strategic green marketing can be developed and what incentives companies have to do so. In order to fulfill this purpose, four research questions were developed. One objective of a marketing strategy is to optimize the marketing mix in relation to the wants and needs of the target market (Fuller, 1999, p. 330). Data from the targeted business consumers can provide valuable input for the decision making process (ibid. . 320). Fuller (1999, p. 330) further states that mass-undifferentiated marketing will often fail to ensure customer satisfaction and profit and that segmenting the market provides a more realistic market interpretation. The first research question is therefore: RQ1: How do companies segment their market based on business consumersââ¬â¢ green tendencies? Polonsky and Rosenberger (2001, p. 22) claim that ââ¬Å"in true green marketing, environmental issues become an overriding strategic corporate focus rather than simply one strategic actionâ⬠. When forming a green marketing strategy it is important to realize that, just as in conventional marketing, there is no single strategy that will work for all companies (Ginsberg & Bloom, 2004; Fuller, 1999, p. 330). Instead each company must examine what strategy will work best depending on its own individual objectives, resources, target market, competitive conditions and so on (Polonsky & Rosenberger, 2001). According to Olson (2008), many companies pass up significant benefits because they do not look at green opportunities in a strategic context. This brings us to research question two: RQ2: How do companies choose their green marketing strategy? Implementing a green marketing strategy requires a fundamental, holistic, integrated approach across all functional marketing areas, including the entire marketing mix of targeting, pricing, design, positioning and promotion (Polonsky & Rosenberger, 2001). According to Fuller (1999, p. 109), only companies that are truly committed to environmental concerns and are willing to translate those concerns into action through marketing mix decisions can develop viable green marketing strategies. Due to these facts, research question three was developed: RQ3: How do companiesââ¬â¢ choices of green marketing strategy influence their marketing mix? Authors such as Porter and van der Linde (1995) and Elkington (1994) argue that environmentally superior strategies exist, which can create a competitive advantage by stimulating innovation and tapping into consumer concerns. Fuller (1999, p. 39) states that worldwide corporate practices suggest that a competitive advantage can indeed be earned and companies not implementing a green marketing strategy will be viewed as uncompetitive, unresponsive, and out of touch with emerging global markets. However, others argue that greening strategy is difficult to do in practice (Walley & Whitehead, 1994). Managers need strategies that transform environmental investments into sources of competitive advantage by optimizing the economic return on their investments (Orsato, 2006). This lead to the fourth, and final, research question: RQ4: How do companies obtain a competitive advantage through their green marketing? The obvious assumption of green marketing is that potential consumers will view product or service's ââ¬Å"greennessâ⬠as a benefit and base their buying decision accordingly. The not-so-obvious assumption of green marketing is that consumers will be willing to pay more for green products than they would for a less-green comparable alternative product ââ¬â an assumption that, in my opinion, has not been proven conclusively. This green marketing approach is largely used as a gimmick by the gigantic corporate houses in order to make a difference in the consumerââ¬â¢s point of view when it comes to major market decisions. Many firms are beginning to realize that they are members of the wider community and therefore must behave in an environmentally responsible fashion. So green marketing is also a way of looking at how marketing activities can make the best use of these limited resources while meeting corporate objectives. Thus an environmental committed organization may not only produce goods that have reduced their detrimental impact on the environment, they may also be able to pressure their suppliers to behave in a more environmentally ââ¬Å"responsibleâ⬠fashion. Final consumers and industrial buyers also have the ability to pressure organizations to integrate the environment into their corporate culture and thus ensure all organizations minimize the detrimental environmental impact of their activities. With the human wants escalating heavily, the resources are decreasing. Hence it has become mandatory for the marketers across the globe to use the resources efficiently and not waste them under any circumstances. Worldwide surveys indicate that consumers globally are changing their behavior towards products and services. Green marketing is almost inevitable as the market for socially responsible products is increasing greatly. This provides what the study covers and fix its boundaries. Limitations specify certain constraints in the study which are essential, but which the researcher has no control of. Although the business-to-consumer (B2C) segment is a major contributor to the damage of the global environment and that a significant change in attitude is necessary, this thesis will only focus on the business-to-business (B2B) segment. The study is not limited to one industry but is examining a range of B2B firms with the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding of green marketing strategies in an overall business context. Most research conducted on the topic of green marketing is focused on the B2C market and the authorââ¬â¢s consider there to be a significant lack of knowledge available when it comes to the B2B market. Furthermore, the authors? were intrigued by the apparent opportunities available to companies choosing to go green.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Clever inventions. The possibilities of the mind
Clever inventions. The possibilities of the mind Useful inventions of all time If asked about the biggest invention of our time, people would probably name the Internet. It allows us to connect with friends around the world and establish connections we never knew existed. You want to talk to your favorite celebrity or find out what has been going on in Eastern Asia? - Google will help you! A hundred years ago, we could not imagine the luxury of interacting with people miles away from us. The credit goes to Lawrence Roberts, the inventor of the first Internet prototype. However, apart from the global communication system, what can we name as the greatest invention? You may argue about the usefulness of this or that device, but we can assure you they have all made a fair contribution to our routine. Where would the mankind be, if it was not for the phone or text messages we are used to exchanging whenever we want to share information? On top of that, we should include some of the things that were necessary for the development of the human race: The wheel. The wheel is truly one of the inventions of the humankind, the value of which cannot be overlooked today. The concept of the first wheel was developed in 3500 B.C., and it was a blessing for everyone. People had massive problems with transporting goods and moving them from one town to another, so we guess this discovery was by far one of the most expected in the history of human civilization. These days, wheels are used everywhere, and the history we know was shaped with the help of this tool. The compass. Do you remember Captain Jackââ¬â¢s compass that showed the thing you wanted most? Well, magic aside, sailors used to navigate by the stars. Suffice to say, it was not a very safe methodic, as it forced them to skip their craft on cloudy evenings or in the daytime. Before the invention of the first compass, captains were bound to obey the mere changes of the weather, and had to wait until the sky was clear again. The situation changed, however, when the compass we know today was invented. The secret to successful navigating is the magnetized needle, which points north. The printing press. As we know, very few people had access to books back in the Middle Ages. The printing press appeared as a revolutionary device and changed the way we perceive printing today. Johannes Gutenberg decided to alter the course of history by inventing a special machine, which pressed ink to the paper so that the paint remained on the surface for long. This is another invention that led to the development of the human race, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The printing devices we have today allow us to immerse in the world of literature and become educated individuals through reading. The telephone. The invention of this device presents a series of experiments, which all led to failure. Many scientists struggled to build an electronic device, which would allow people to communicate via wires. However, electronic transmission did not seem possible until Alexander Graham Bell took the initiative in his hands. He invented the phone in 1876, and was awarded a patent for his discovery that led to revolutionizing the world of communication. He had a lot of successors, who tried to improve the said gadget, and fortunately, phones as we know them today allow to transmit electronic signals at long distances. The light bulb. It is hard to imagine our daily lives without this device. Electricity was in poor state when Thomas Edison decided he would change the face of the world we know. Of course, we cannot attribute this success to his personality alone, as many people played a significant role in inventing the light bulb, but generally, the credit belongs to Edison. Prior to this, we depended on natural lightning and the light of the candles. That was romantic, in some ways, and uncomfortable as well, as people had to work during the day and finish their chores before the sun went down. Now, we can sit up all night and be sure the lightning is bright and comfortable, thanks to the invention that Thomas Edison proudly patented. Penicillin. The story behind the invention of Penicillin is awesome. In 1928 there was a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming, who conducted a series of experiments in his private laboratory. During one of the experiments, he left a lid on a dish with bacteria opened. Later, he discovered that bacteria were dead as the dish became contaminated with mold. Later, Fleming found out that the mold was called fungus Penicillium, and it was cleared and purified by scientists to turn it into a strong medication, which changed the course of science and was a big history turn in the first half of the 20th century.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on African Dance
The African aesthetic dance form has many characteristics that have influenced the dance forms of The New World, starting with the sacred circle in Dahomey to the Vodun ritual, Ring Shout, up to Minstrelsy, Vaudville, and musical theatre. The characteristics include the Di-bod philosophy which is an emphasis on the joints, and the movements are centrifugal in which the pelvic region is emphasized. They dance in a crouched position and are always barefoot giving them more of a connection to the earth. The dances were rhythmic, they didnââ¬â¢t dance with out drums for the drums were symbolized as a heart beat, and were hermeneutic, interprets life and feelings. The movements were dynamic; continuous and percussive, as opposed to static, holding a position as done in the Hindu religion. The movements also imitate animals in a realistic detail, and are polyrhythmic; all body parts are moving to different drum beats. Also improvisation was of great importance for it was historicall y used as a survival technique. The sacred circle in Dahomey was the beginning of all circle dances. The circle in the circle dance had great meaning, it represented life and how it keeps moving as if in a circle. In the circle of life we go from birth to living to death over and over again, it is a never ending circle cycle. Its form included the shuffling of the feet in a crouched position, everybody part is moving and you are moving in a counterclockwise position. The sacred circle was later transformed into the Ring shout once it reached the New World and unlike the Ring Shout the circle dance had the choice of crossing there feet while dancing. This sacred circle gave way to many other dance forms and served as a foundation to American dance. Haitian Vodun began in 1531 and is said to be ââ¬Å"a dance of the spirit: a system of movement gestures, prayers, and songs on veneration of the invisible forces of lifeâ⬠. Vodun is a spiritual practice of most H... Free Essays on African Dance Free Essays on African Dance The African aesthetic dance form has many characteristics that have influenced the dance forms of The New World, starting with the sacred circle in Dahomey to the Vodun ritual, Ring Shout, up to Minstrelsy, Vaudville, and musical theatre. The characteristics include the Di-bod philosophy which is an emphasis on the joints, and the movements are centrifugal in which the pelvic region is emphasized. They dance in a crouched position and are always barefoot giving them more of a connection to the earth. The dances were rhythmic, they didnââ¬â¢t dance with out drums for the drums were symbolized as a heart beat, and were hermeneutic, interprets life and feelings. The movements were dynamic; continuous and percussive, as opposed to static, holding a position as done in the Hindu religion. The movements also imitate animals in a realistic detail, and are polyrhythmic; all body parts are moving to different drum beats. Also improvisation was of great importance for it was historicall y used as a survival technique. The sacred circle in Dahomey was the beginning of all circle dances. The circle in the circle dance had great meaning, it represented life and how it keeps moving as if in a circle. In the circle of life we go from birth to living to death over and over again, it is a never ending circle cycle. Its form included the shuffling of the feet in a crouched position, everybody part is moving and you are moving in a counterclockwise position. The sacred circle was later transformed into the Ring shout once it reached the New World and unlike the Ring Shout the circle dance had the choice of crossing there feet while dancing. This sacred circle gave way to many other dance forms and served as a foundation to American dance. Haitian Vodun began in 1531 and is said to be ââ¬Å"a dance of the spirit: a system of movement gestures, prayers, and songs on veneration of the invisible forces of lifeâ⬠. Vodun is a spiritual practice of most H...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Causes of stress and its solution
The circumstances that cause stress are called stressors. Stressors vary in severity and duration .For example the responsibility of caring for a sick parent may be an ongoing source of major stress , whereas getting stuck in a traffic jam mat cause mild short term stress .Some events such as death of a loved one are stressful for everyone .But in other situations ,individuals may respond differently to the same event. Stressors can be classified into 3 general categories: 1)catastrophic stress 2)Major life changes 3)Daily hassles In addition simply thinking about unpleasant past events or anticipating unpleasant future events can cause stress for many people. 1)Catastrophe: Is a sudden , often, life threatening calamity or disaster that pushes people to do outer limits of their coping capability example earthquakes ,tornadoes ,fires ,floods and hurricanes as well as wars ,torture ,automobile accidents , violent physical attacks and sexual assaults . They often continue to affect the individuals mental health long after the event has taken place. 2)Major life changes: The most stressful events for adults involve major life changes such as death of a spouse ,family member ,divorce , imprisonment ,loosing ones job and major personal disability or illness . The most stressful events for adolescents are death ,imprisonment or divorce of parents ,personal disability or illness .Getting married is a positive experience but planning the wedding ,deciding whom to invite ,and dealing with familyà members may be stressful for the couples. 3)Daily hassles: Much of the stress in our lives results from having to deal with daily hassles pertaining to our jobs ,personal relationships and everyday living circumstance .Many people experience the same hassles everyday example living in a noisy neighbourhood ,commuting with heavy traffic ,disliking ones fellow workers ,worrying about money , waiting in a long line and misplacing or losing things .When taken individually , this hassles may feel like minor irritants , but cumulatively , they can cause significant stress . Studies have found that oneââ¬â¢s exposure to daily hassles is actually more predictive of illness than is exposure to major life events . SOLUTIONS TO STRESS 1)coping with stress: Coping with stress means using thoughts and actions to deal with stressful situations and lower our stress levels. People who cope well with stress tend to believe that the can personally influence what happens to them .The usually make more positive statements about themselves ,resist frustration ,remain optimistic and persevere even under extremely adverse circumstances. People who cope poorly with stress tend to have somewhat opposite personality characteristic such as low self esteem and a pessimistic outlook on life. Coping strategies: Psychologists distinguish 2 broad types of coping strategies: a)Problem focused coping b)Emotional focused coping The goal of both strategies is to control ones stress level. In problem focused coping people try to short circuit negative emotions by taking some actions to modify ,minimize or avoid the threatening situation . In emotional focused coping people try to directly moderate or eliminate unpleasant situations. Problem focused coping is the most effective coping strategy. 2)Social support: Social support from friends ,family members and others who care for us goes a long way in helping us to get by in times of trouble. Social support system provides us with emotional sustenance ,tangible resource ,aid and information when we are in need .People with social support feel cared about and valued by others and feel a sense of belonging to a larger social network. 3)Bio feedback: Bio feedback is a technique by which people learn voluntary control of stress related physiological response such as skin temperature ,muscle tension ,blood pressure and heart rate .Normally people cannot control these responses voluntarily .Individuals learn to be sensitive to subtle changes inside their body that affect the response system being measured. 4)Relaxation: There are 2 types of relaxation A)Progressive muscular relaxation B)Relaxation We should learn to relax our body. 5)Aerobic exercise: Aerobic exercise such as running , walking ,biking and skiing can help keep stress level down because the increase the endurance of the heart and lungs ,an aerobically fit individual will have a lower heart rate at rest and lower blood pressure ,less reactivity to stressors and quicker recovery from stressors.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Budgeting Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Budgeting Assignment - Essay Example ndividual budget estimates, Suggesting revisions in individual budget estimates ,Approval of budget and later revisions., Receiving and analyzing budget reports, recommendations of actions needed and designed to improve efficiency where necessary. Cumulative efforts are made at all levels , at the decision making process for establishing targets and making estimates and at the implementation phase also when the budgeted target has to be achieved. Otley (1999) suggests that the budgetary control process provides an encompassing framework through which all aspects of an organizationââ¬â¢s activity are summed up into a single set of financial statements but at the same time It acts as a valuable source of monitoring the actual outcomes with the budgeted and also helps to identify and eliminate the inefficiencies in an organization performance, for example. In some type of businesses where there is rapid change in current environment conditions because of any economic or social factors, frequent budget changes are avoided because budget revision are considered as time consuming and loss in budgetary control. Itââ¬â¢s difficult to avoid the inevitable distorting effects arisen when managers are rewarded for achieving the budget targets. This can be reduced by giving some proper and justified incentive schemes like bonuses or overtime premium or any other reward system to the subordinates. It should be kept in mind that it is the overall collective team effort and the usually the pressure is usually taken by the middle and lower level management to meet the targeted goals. For example preparation of purchase budget can never be made without the production budget in any manufacturing concern. The purchase department must know the targeted production in order to estimate the amount and qty of raw material required for the finished goods. Similarly, the sales budget is a prerequisite of making a production budget because the production department must be aware
United Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
United Healthcare - Essay Example United Healthcare has developed various programs that will help in providing consumers of all ages and gender with health services. The programs include AmeriChoice, OptumHealth, and Ingenix (UHG, 2009). AmeriChoice is a program that the organization has developed to help low-income families to access health care at an affordable price. This program enables low-income families to pay for health services using any means that fits their economic well-being (Gray, Lowery, & Benz, 2013). This development will enhance low-income earners to access health services in the organization in the next decade. The institution has also developed a program known as OptumHealth that helps employees who have health needs. This initiative educates the employees and it helps them to overcome chronic diseases (Miles, 2012). This program will enable all organizations to enroll their workers in the initiative to improve their health. A report by the United Healthcare organization indicates that at least 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 on a daily basis (UHG, 209). This has motivated the organization to develop a program known as Ovations, which helps individuals who are above 50 years to get the health care that they deserve. This initiative helps the aging members of the society to determine and access the health services that fit their personal needs. The organization is also entering into partnerships with shopping centers and stores to increase access to health services. These partnerships enable the company to open branches in the shopping centers (Showalter, 2012). This will ensure that citizens access health education and services almost at their doorstep in the next decade and beyond this time. Ã
Corporate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Corporate - Research Paper Example Established in 1985 as an energy company in Houston, Texas, Enron Corporation, in a move to diversify along its business, created SPEs (Special Purpose Entities). In this spree, the much needed amount for the creation of such vehicles was received from the internal employees of the company itself. Adding to the woes, Enron started selling the energy commodities by acting as a broker and profited by the difference between the prices of sellers and buyers, as it had entered into separate contracts with them (AACSB 2002). ââ¬Å"Enron was fond of another procedure known as mark-to-market, which allowed it to increase the value of present assets held by the company by estimating future market prices. Since Enron dominated the energy trading business, the prices by which it marked-to-market were largely subjective- that is, determined by Enron itself in accordance with the earnings it wanted to report.â⬠Defying the laws further, Arthur Anderson, with an intention to show loyalty to the company, provided consultancy to the Corporation and presented misleading and faulty audit data of the Corporation to the stakeholders and investors (Rittenberg et al, 2009, p. 427). The results were graver than imagined. It left Enron bankrupt, due to losses running into billions (debt- $3 billion and losses- $638 million). Apart from financial losses, it also suffered blemishes on its reputation and delisting of its shares and stock. Employees also suffered the loss of their jobs. Data is valuable only if it is in the right hands and used in the right sense. Information contained in data is sensitive and can ruin the fate of the organization handling the data. Thus, data analysis suffers from reliability, validity, authentication and verification. Enron Corporation acted against the transparency and responsibility of being an ethical organization for its investors and invited lethal damage to its
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Adult Education Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adult Education Organizations - Essay Example The research outlines some of the criteria for changes where most of them focus on the effectiveness of the prevailing leadership style. According to the article, change occurs for various reasons. For instance, in education, organizations or learning institutions may be looking for alternative means to improve the quality and strengthen their reputation. However, the study also recommends that a successful change initiation depends on certain criteria that lay the basis for the transformation of all organizations. One of the criteria for leading change is open communication that results in effective coordination between the staff and executive management. Nonetheless, the article suggests that the inclusion of people in the early stages of the decision-making process is also necessary for leading change. Another important criterion for effecting change is creating an environment that motivates the staff to accept the change. From the above criteria, it is evident that one of the met hods for initiating change in the educational sector is creating enthusiasm among the staff to accept the transformation. Creating enthusiasm is a way of motivating the staff to accept the changes. Another important method for implementing change is training the staff on important aspects of change management and initiation. The training focuses on equipping staff with the right knowledge on effective change management and implementation. The article strongly emphasizes on leadership as the primary determinant of change initiation and implementation.
The website have the right to choose the topic Essay
The website have the right to choose the topic - Essay Example Hence, being a multi-cultural country, it is difficult to pinpoint one dominant group (majority) in the US which has an advantage or edge over minority groups. However, it must be noted, that while the Native Americans were the very first people populating the USA, the very first settlers who brought ââ¬Å"civilizationâ⬠to the US were the Europeans who travelled with Christopher Columbus. Hence, they are termed as ââ¬Å"Americansâ⬠and are also referred to as ââ¬Å"the white raceâ⬠. These settlers can be termed as the dominant group prevalent in the US as they were the supposed founders of the empty land back in Christopher Columbusââ¬â¢s time (Pasell, 1995). While the USA has opportunities for all ethnicities, religions, and cultures and laws prohibit discrimination upon the basis of race, gender, disability, and other factors, some people are still discriminated against or were discriminated against when they first immigrated to the US as part of a minority group. Minority groups are subject to unequal treatment by dominant groups and may be the victims of racism. They are in a minority in the suggested area and do not have as much power as the dominant groups may have. It takes ample time for them to be recognized, given equal opportunities, and lead a better and free life in the said place. Dominant groups or majority groups, on the other hand, and have power and authority in their area and may have racist feelings against other minority group settlers. Moreover, they have the most opportunities and the easiest access to their place of settling (Winnant, 1994). As mentioned before, while the percentage of majority and minority residents in the US is rapidly changing, the analysis of this paper will be based upon two groups: the Europeans (white) as the dominant group and the immigration of Chinese settlers into the US as the non-dominant group (Calavita, 1994). Immigration policies differed in various time
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Corporate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Corporate - Research Paper Example Established in 1985 as an energy company in Houston, Texas, Enron Corporation, in a move to diversify along its business, created SPEs (Special Purpose Entities). In this spree, the much needed amount for the creation of such vehicles was received from the internal employees of the company itself. Adding to the woes, Enron started selling the energy commodities by acting as a broker and profited by the difference between the prices of sellers and buyers, as it had entered into separate contracts with them (AACSB 2002). ââ¬Å"Enron was fond of another procedure known as mark-to-market, which allowed it to increase the value of present assets held by the company by estimating future market prices. Since Enron dominated the energy trading business, the prices by which it marked-to-market were largely subjective- that is, determined by Enron itself in accordance with the earnings it wanted to report.â⬠Defying the laws further, Arthur Anderson, with an intention to show loyalty to the company, provided consultancy to the Corporation and presented misleading and faulty audit data of the Corporation to the stakeholders and investors (Rittenberg et al, 2009, p. 427). The results were graver than imagined. It left Enron bankrupt, due to losses running into billions (debt- $3 billion and losses- $638 million). Apart from financial losses, it also suffered blemishes on its reputation and delisting of its shares and stock. Employees also suffered the loss of their jobs. Data is valuable only if it is in the right hands and used in the right sense. Information contained in data is sensitive and can ruin the fate of the organization handling the data. Thus, data analysis suffers from reliability, validity, authentication and verification. Enron Corporation acted against the transparency and responsibility of being an ethical organization for its investors and invited lethal damage to its
The website have the right to choose the topic Essay
The website have the right to choose the topic - Essay Example Hence, being a multi-cultural country, it is difficult to pinpoint one dominant group (majority) in the US which has an advantage or edge over minority groups. However, it must be noted, that while the Native Americans were the very first people populating the USA, the very first settlers who brought ââ¬Å"civilizationâ⬠to the US were the Europeans who travelled with Christopher Columbus. Hence, they are termed as ââ¬Å"Americansâ⬠and are also referred to as ââ¬Å"the white raceâ⬠. These settlers can be termed as the dominant group prevalent in the US as they were the supposed founders of the empty land back in Christopher Columbusââ¬â¢s time (Pasell, 1995). While the USA has opportunities for all ethnicities, religions, and cultures and laws prohibit discrimination upon the basis of race, gender, disability, and other factors, some people are still discriminated against or were discriminated against when they first immigrated to the US as part of a minority group. Minority groups are subject to unequal treatment by dominant groups and may be the victims of racism. They are in a minority in the suggested area and do not have as much power as the dominant groups may have. It takes ample time for them to be recognized, given equal opportunities, and lead a better and free life in the said place. Dominant groups or majority groups, on the other hand, and have power and authority in their area and may have racist feelings against other minority group settlers. Moreover, they have the most opportunities and the easiest access to their place of settling (Winnant, 1994). As mentioned before, while the percentage of majority and minority residents in the US is rapidly changing, the analysis of this paper will be based upon two groups: the Europeans (white) as the dominant group and the immigration of Chinese settlers into the US as the non-dominant group (Calavita, 1994). Immigration policies differed in various time
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Challenges in Managing Multinational Company Essay Example for Free
Challenges in Managing Multinational Company Essay Assalamualaikum, One of the common challenges faced by Malaysian multinational company is cultural diversity. Culture is the learned, shared way of doing things in a particular society. It is the way, for example in which its member eat, dress, greet and treat one another, teach their children, solve everyday problems, and so on ( Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn 2003). Cultural diversity in workplace refers to the range of differences between individuals in an organization. It affects the way in which people feel, think and act, and frequently, people either refuse to see it, or dont want to see it. People from different countries always have different tradition and attitudes towards business. Some company decides to expand their organization globally but unsuccessful because they fail to realize one important thing. They do not change their organization to adapt to the new country. Malaysian multinational company can be successful if they evolve into a diverse organization which employs people from diverse culture. An international company needs to understand the host market. In order to have better understanding of host market, an international market needs to employ locals. Hence, in employing local resident international organization opens its doors to cultural diversity. When cultural diversity is not properly managed, it caused problem, misunderstandings, and conflicts will arise. I believed that to make Malaysian multinational company successful, it is important that they embrace the fact that the world today has no boundaries. Cultural diversity in workplace and elsewhere should be respected. Employees skills, talents, ideas, and values must be developed and improved. An organization must be able to capture the energy and ideas of all mployees in order to meet the challenges of the competitive marketplace. I also believed that Malaysian multinational company can be successful when it comes to managing diversity if they managed to bring people together from different cultural backgrounds and form a collaborative group. As future manager, the key to manage the cross-culture challenges is through developing respect for every person, regardless of his or her cultural background. They should also learn to be more open-minded. Instead of Judging people, they must learn to accept that every individual is unique and everyone can contribute to the success of the organization. Advancement in science and technology and the liberalization of trade under the Asean Free Trade Area and World Trade Organization (WTO) create an economic opportunity as well as new challenges to Malaysian multinational company. Malaysian nowadays is emerging towards a technology-driven and high-tech production-based pattern of development in order to meet the challenges of the competitive global marketplace. Although Malaysias competitiveness rating has improvements. The availability of skilled human capital in Malaysia is not sufficient for technological development to progress. Malaysian school and universities do not turn out to be problem solver and do not produce skilled, innovative graduates as technology companies demanded. Compare to China and India which produce tens of thousands of graduates per year, while Malaysias talent pool is tiny in comparison. Companies that do not keep up with technological changes soon will find their business outdated. This will result on missing new products and market opportunities. Demographic is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics. The demographic environment is a major interest to marketers because it involves people and people make up market. The worlds population is growing at a very high rate. The worlds large and diverse population uncovers great opportunity as well as challenges. Thus, for Malaysian multinational company to enter certain market, they must keep close tracks on demographic trends and development in their market, both home and abroad. In example, if Malaysia multinational were to enter Indian market, they need to understand the trends and dramatic changes in demographic data in determining arketing decisions, to identify opportunities and to anticipate declining demand. The continuously increasing urbanization, rapid growth and use of electronic media have brought changes to the lifestyle and consumption attitudes in urban areas in India, known as middle-class population which has made some essential socio- economic changes -rapidly increasing emphasis on higher professional education, family system from Joint families to nuclear families (BiJapurkar,2007) and exposure to western lifestyle and customs. These factors created increasing demands of ariety quality of products and services, in example, branded clothing, restaurant, home appliances, travel, and so on. In some countries, government interference affects the operation of the multinational companies. It is a challenge that Malaysia multinational company has to face in the direction of going global. Conflicts and misunderstanding between multinational company and host country government has occurred in recent years.. Government interference takes the form of tariffs, quotas, and other non-tariff restrictions. The threat of nationalization (forcing a company to sell its local assets to the government or to other local ationals) or changes in local business laws and regulations can limit a multinationals power. Examples can be taken from the case of China restriction towards multinational company. According to New York Times, companies that have operated exclusively in China for years are being targeted with discriminatory policies. Contracts involving state secrets or business secrets are reserved for Chinese companies and Chinese bureaucrats have been given broad latitude to exclude companies with foreign owners even if the company has been set up in China and have all of its operations in the country. Tenggiling Puitis a. m. n
Monday, October 14, 2019
Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay
Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay Obesity discrimination has a great impact on health care. The healthcare may be more critical of obese individuals. Some primary care physicians may be less attentive to treating obesity than other ailments as well. Overweight individuals seem to pick up on the negative feelings: studies show obese individuals tend to delay going to the doctor even for routine visits. There is no exception for radiographer the impact of obesity. To improve the image quality a certain amount of radiation is needed to go through the body in obese patient. And that is higher than normal doses of radiation in order to obtain X-ray images. Also obesity has impact on the surgical options for obese patients, the anatomy and imaging of gastric bypass surgery, and how to recognize and treat surgical complications of bariatric surgery. Obese patients need to purchase larger wheelchairs, larger beds and even larger diagnostic imaging machines. 1b.Reading the background of Obesity, and how people are becoming Obese, will help me to gain a close understand of how obese people feeling about themselves and how discrimination effects obese people. It will help me to see the obese people as an illness not blame them because of their weight. As a Radiography student I should deal with all patients equally. If those issues above has impact on health care provider, it is also has psychological impact on obese patient. 2a. In this annotated bibliography I would like to convey to the reader, that obesity always is not individual fault, there may be other factor such as medical condition and disease which make people obese. By discrimination obese people we may put their self-esteem and social interaction down. I would also like to convey to the reader how I have researched my chosen topic, how I changed my search each time to get the appropriate articles required. 2b.The title for my Annotated Bibliography would be `Stigma and discrimination against obese people`. 3a. The first search I carried out was a Google search. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. I used Birmingham City University web site. From the main library website, I clicked on electronic resources A to Z. CINAHL plus with Full Text and MEDLINE was my databases to find a peer reviewed articles. 3b. First I was looking to a Google search to have a background reading of my topic. So I put obesity in search box and I had About 39,500,000 results. Then I modified my search by adding obesity and discrimination, I got about 4,570,000 results and from there I had my relevant titles. Again I modified my search again by entering additional search terms `in Radiology`, which I got About 1,650,000 results and I had two of my supporting sources from there. Then I searched in Google Scholar I Put obesity and Discrimination from 2000 to 2011and from there I find two articles of my key sources. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. Then I went to Birmingham city university website and I clicked on electronic resources A to Z.I start with Cinhal plus with full text. I logged in and in search box put obesity as a key word, then I ticked the full text and peer review to find my articles. These are good sources because they are peer reviewed articles. Then I clicked search, I had 4515 results. In first result I found one of my supporting sources. Again I modified my search by adding discrimination on search box. And I got 2483 results. I linked them with and, so I got 38 results. From there I got three key sources which I will critique them and it is relevant to my topic. To find more articles I changed my databases to Medline and I did same steps for my articles. When I liked ob esity and discrimination with and, I had 279 results. Again I had two key sources and one supporting sources for my assignment. I chose which articles were most useful by looking at the date they were published and whether the information contained is still relevant to todays situation. I also tried to find sources from a variety of locations but found some unhelpful. And I ended my search. 4a. Two articles critiquing: Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale Lorraine Watson, Kathleen Oberle, Danielle Deutscher Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia. Samantha L. Thomas PhD, Jim Hyde PhD, Asuntha Karunaratne BMedSci (Hons), Dilinie Herbert MBioMedSci (Part 1) and Paul A. Komesaroff MB BS FRACP PhD 2008 The Authors, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 Introduction The above two articles are of two studies to look into the obesity stigmatisation in two different aspects. In the first article, the attitudes of the health care professionals, and on this occasion nurses, towards obese individuals have been studied using psychometric analysis. The second article is about a study designed to look into how obese individuals feel in themselves about public perception and discrimination based upon their body weight, which is more like looking into the original side of the argument and that is to find out when, how and why such stigmatisation has developed. Critique There is no doubt that obesity stigma does exist just like other forms of discrimination in the society based upon race, ethnic origin and having an underlying illness such as HIV. The authors of the first article have started well by talking about the basic principles and reviewing a lot of literatures about similar previous studies with regards to health care professionals attitudes towards their obese patients. The method was good with a considerable number of professional nurses participated in it and, in my opinion, the NATOOPS did cover the psychological aspects of nurse-patient relationship. The results were identical to most of the previous studies and the study simply confirmed the previous ideology that negative attitudes towards obese individuals even among health care professionals do exist. However, when there is a problem there must be a solution, and whilst the authors have nicely highlighted and confirmed this problem amongst nurses, they have failed to provide answers and means to change such attitudes. They have given a lot of details in identifying the problem, but have only briefly towards the end suggested how to tackle the issue and how to educate our nurses not to stigmatise based upon body weight. In my opinion, they should have made more suggestions to rectify problematic attitudes and behaviours. The second article is covering the other side of the argument; in other words, peoples real life experience to make a case that obesity stigmatisation does exist. It is a good qualitative study with a clever way to attract random obese individuals to participate through newspaper advertisement. The method, data collection and the data analysis was pretty good. The number of participants was satisfactory, though could have been higher. The quotes from the individuals were prime examples of how this section of society is victimised in different aspects of life including employment, education, health care and general public services such as transport. They describe a clear blame culture by professionals, policy makers and media. It is worth mentioning the fact that the opt-in nature of this study makes it biased towards the participants. Those chose to take part and to be interviewed for the study were generally the ones with bad experience. Personally, I feel that random selection would have been much better to reflect the true nature of how obese people in the community feel about themselves and how society treats them. Conclusion To sum it up, there is no question that society treats obese individuals unfairly and there are quite a few studies to confirm this fact. Health care professionals such as nurses are no exception, but we need to find ways to educate them and to change this mentality in order to improve the quality of health care given to everyone without discrimination. The qualitative study of the obese peoples real life experience is a good one but there is a self-selection bias within the sample as admitted by the authors themselves. More random and bigger studies are needed in this field I believe. 5a.and 5b Key Sources: Brownell, K. D .and, Puhl,R.(2003), Stigma and Discrimination in Weight Management and Obesity, The Permanente Journal, Vol 7, No. 3, online Available from:,[Accessed 17/03/2011] It covers the three common areas of weight-based discrimination which are education, health care and employment. Puhl, R. and Brownell, K. D. (2001), Bias, Discrimination and Obesity, Obesity Research, Vol 9, No. 12, online Available from:,[Accessed 26/02/2011] Puhl, R. M and Chelsea Heuer, A. (2010), Obesity Stigma: Important considerations for public health, American Journal of Public Health, Vol 100, No. 6, June 2010 online Available from:, [Accessed 16/02/2011] This article gives particular attention to the health issues surrounding obese individuals and they compared their public discrimination to similar socially disregarded group such as HIV patients as in this article. Thomas, S. L. Hyde, J. Karunaratne, A. Herbert, D. and Komesaroff, P. A. (2008), Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 online available from:,[Accessed 22/03/2011] Watson, L. Oberle, K. and Deutscher, D.(2008), Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale, Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 ,online Available from:[Accessed 25/03/2011] Supporting Sources: Hunte, H.E, and Williams, D.R.(2009),American Journal of Public Health, The Association Between Perceived Discrimination and Obesity in a Population-Based Multiracial and Multiethnic Adult Sample, Vol 99, No. 7,online Available from:, [Accessed 26/03/2011] This is more like a research study, and it mainly focuses on the psychological stress caused by discrimination based upon race, ethnic origin and other factors leading to obesity, rather than the other way round. Reynolds A, (2011), Obesity and Medical Imaging Challenges, Radiologic Technology, Vol.82 (3): 219-42, online Available at,[accessed 30/03/2011] Yanch, J. C. , Behrman, R.H. , Hendricks, M.J. , McCall J. H. ,(2009), Increased Radiation Dose to Overweight and Obese Patients from Radiographic Examinations, online Available from:,[Accessed 24/02/2011] This article explains and compares radiation dose to obese patient in compare with normal patient.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Fear and respect, Firstly, is there a fixed difference between fear and respect? Well before we can answer this question we need to have a clear definition and understanding of what fear and respect are. Fear is an unpleasant and distressing emotion induced by a threat to oneââ¬â¢s physical health or mental health, imposing danger or a sense of uncertainty. Respect on the hand defined as a courteous consideration of another person. If someone respects someone else they are giving value and worth to them. However genuine respect is not to be confused with fealty. Fealty is where one acts in a respectful manner towards someone else because they owe them duty and has nothing to do with ones feelings for another. So from these definitions it is evident that there is in-fact a difference between fear and respect. ââ¬Å"Fear is toxic whereas respect is nurturing. Fear destroys self-confidence while respect builds it. Fear is life-threatening yet respect is life-enhancing. Fear is forced whereas respect is gained and fear is learned whilst respect is earned.â⬠A New York City gang member was asked ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Japan History :: Japanese Culture, Shinto
Shinto Shinto is the aboriginal spirituality followed by the Japanese people. In the 8th century, Shinto practices were for the first time, archived in codified records of history of the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki. Shinto today is a term that is related to community shrines matched with various human ceremonies like historical memorials, marriage, harvest festivals and worship. People who practice Shinto express their varied values with a standard way of communication and activities, implementing similar ancient dress code and rituals. There are two main Buddhism branches in existence and Mahayana is one of them. The term Mahayana means great vehicle. The origin of Mahayana Buddhism is India (Mason & Caiger 98). Out of the two major Buddhism traditions in existence today, Mahayana is the largest. The Mahayana traditions teach that the tradition is a path of quest, for absolute enlightenment for the benefit of all mortal beings. Mahayana is also referred to as Bodhisattvayana (Mason & Caiger 98). The history of Mahayana shows the spread of the tradition from India to other Asian countries. Mahayana Buddhism traditions exist even today. The Heian period is a historical time in Japanese history, happened between the years 794 to 1185. During this period, Buddhism, Taioism and other Chinese traditions were at peak (Morton & Olenik 23). The Heian period was named after the capital Heian-kvo, the modern Kyoto City. It was also the peak of the Japanese imperial court. The period is noted for its literature, art and poetry (Morton & Olenik 23). During this period, the Imperial house had the power although the real power was held by the noble Fujiwara clan who had intermarried with the Japanese emperor. In Japanese, the term Heian means peace and tranquility. The establishment of Kamakura shogunate in Japan happened after the then ruling Taira clan was defeated in Genpei war. Kamakura shogunate was headed by shoguns (Mason & Caiger 158). The shoguns were hereditary military dictators of Japan. The shogunate was based in kamakura, and controlled the entire nation. Court Life in Heian Japan The Heian period saw the Fujiwara clan hold the real power. The Fujiwala clan was noble and so, they had great influence on politics and culture in Japan (Mason & Caiger 249). The noble familiesââ¬â¢ life was focused on manners and beauty guided by a powerful civil code called miyabi. At the Kyoto court, etiquette, appearance and self-discipline were stressed (Mason & Caiger 106).
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